Micros an official representative of the GXCAS company in the Europe region
Complicated situation on the electronic components market caused extension of the delivery time and a rapid rise of prices of many key components. Keeping the continuity was often a great challenge for device manufacturers. In response to this difficult situation, increasingly boldly and with a greater attention we look upon new manufacturers, who offer qualitatively steady and cheaper equivalents of brands-name products.
Micros offer was extended with sensors compatible with DS18B20, with GX18B20 markings.
Manufacturer – that is GXCAS Technology company, specialises in mainly temperature sensors and prepared an offer richer than famous Maxim. Apart from the sensor in already known housings:
• GX18B20 – housing TO92, accuracy ±0,4°C,
• GX18B20Z – housing SOP08, accuracy ±0,5°C,
• GX18B20U – housing uSOP08, accuracy ±0,5°C,
there also such versions of sensors at the disposal, about which the american manufacturer cannot boast, namely:
• GX18B20S – sensor in the TO92S housing, that is in a smaller body than in a standard TO-92-2 housing, specifically with the 4,1×3,18×1,57 mm dimensions, offering ±0,4°C accuracy,
• GX18B20W – sensor in the TO92 housing, with two leads and ±0,4°C accuracy,
• GX18B20H – sensor with increased accuracy equal to ±0,1°C in a classic TO92 housing.
There is also a GX1820 sensor available in the offer, that is with a similar markings to the Maxim product (DS1820/DS18S20), however it should be pointed out that the GX1820 because of its higher measurement resolution (12 bits instead of 9 bits) is not compatible with DS1820/DS18S20.
The manufacturer has also prepared few special versions:
• GX1822 – sensor with a reduced to 300 ms conversion time,
• GX1831 – sensor with an extremely short conversion time equal to 1,5ms,
• GX20MH01 – measurement resolution increased to 14 bits (The standard is 12 bits) and increased accuracy to ±0,1°C in the 0°C~50°C temperature range,
• GX30H05 – extended measurement range from -60°C to even 200°C.
Not only 18B20
GXCAS Technology also offers equivalents of another products:
• GX2431 replaces DS2431 manufactured by Maxim. It is an EEPROM memory with 1-Wire interface and memory capacity of 128 bytes,
• GX21M15 is an equivalent of the famous TMP75/LM75 circuits. It is a temperature sensor with the I²C interface, which can serve as a thermostat.
Equivalents of the SENSIRION sensors are also worth paying attention:
• GXHTC3 is an equivalent of the SHTC3 circuit – a precise humidity sensor for a 0...100% RH range and temperature for a -40°C ~ 125°C range. The accuracy of humidity measurement is ±2% for a large proportion of the measurement range, whereas the temperature is measured with the 0,2°C accuracy in a approx. 0°C ~ 60°C range.
• GXHT30 is an equivalent of the SHT30 circuit – it is also a precise temperature and humidity sensor.
Micros is an authorised distributor of the GXCAS products for the whole Europe region.
If you want to check our current stocks and prices, please click on the product symbols.
Digital Temperature Sensor, 1-Wire Interface, 9÷12-bit, ±0.5°C, 2.5÷5.5V, -55÷125°C
Digital Temperature Sensor, 1-Wire Interface, 12-bit, ±0.4°C, 2.5÷5.5V, -55÷125°C
Digital Temperature Sensor, 1-Wire Interface, 9÷12-bit, ±0.4°C, 2.5÷5.5V, -55÷125°C Replacement for: DS18B20+
Digital Temperature Sensor, 1-Wire Interface, 9÷12-bit, ±0.1°C, 2.5÷5.5V, -55÷125°C
Digital Temperature Sensor, 1-Wire Interface, 9÷12-bit, ±0.4°C, 2.5÷5.5V, -55÷125°C
Digital Temperature Sensor, 1-Wire Interface, 9÷12-bit, ±0.1°C, 2.5÷5.5V, -55÷125°C
Digital Temperature Sensor, 1-Wire Interface, 9÷12-bit, ±0.4°C, 2.5÷5.5V, -55÷125°C
Digital Temperature Sensor, 1-Wire Interface, 9÷12-bit, ±0.5°C, 2.5÷5.5V, -55÷125°C Replacement for: DS18B20U+, DS18B20U+T&R
Digital Temperature Sensor, 1-Wire Interface, 9÷12-bit, ±0.1°C, 2.5÷5.5V, -55÷125°C
Digital Temperature Sensor, 1-Wire Interface, 9÷12-bit, ±0.4°C, 2.5÷5.5V, -55÷125°C
Digital Temperature Sensor, 1-Wire Interface, 9÷12-bit, ±0.5°C, 2.5÷5.5V, -55÷125°C Replacement for: DS18B20Z+, DS18B20Z+T&R
Digital Temperature Sensor, 1-Wire Interface, 14-bit, ±0.1°C, 2.5÷5.5V, -55÷125°C
Digital Temperature Sensor, I2C Interface, 11-bit, ±1°C, 3÷5.5V, -40÷125°C Replacement for: TMP75BIDR, TMP75CIDR, TMP275AIDR, LM75AD, LM75BD
Digital Temperature Sensor, 1-Wire Interface, 9÷12-bit, ±0.5°C, 2.5÷5.5V, -60÷200°C
Temperature & Humidity Sensor, I2C Interface, ±0.3°C/±3%RH, 2.2÷5.5V, -40÷125°C Replacement for: SHT30-DIS-B
Temperature & Humidity Sensor, I2C Interface, Accuracy ±0.2°C/±2%RH, 1.62÷5.5V, -40÷125°C Replacement for: SHTC3
8-bit Memory IC; 128B-EE; 2,8~5,25V; -40÷85°C; Replacement for: DS2431+