MRFC522 JSMICRO SEMICONDUCTOR - a less expensive alternative to NXP circuits
MFRC522 from JSMICRO SEMICONDUCTOR company is an equivalent of the NXP circuit with the same marking.
It is a RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) reader circuit, working at 13,56 MHz frequency and supporting ISO/IEC 14443A and ISO/IEC 14443B protocols. It can read data from RFID card from a distance up to 7 cm, and is characterised by a high degree of technical integration. The MFRC522 circuit is equipped with a low power consumption mode (hardware or software enabled) and a low power consumption cards detection mode (LPCD). Communication with the circuit is carried out by SPI, I2C or UART interface. Internal 64-byte FIFO buffer provides fast and effective data transmission, while transmission reliability is ensured by a built-in CRC mechanism. Small amount of external components is required for connecting external antenna. The circuit is powered by a voltage ranging from 2,5V to 5V and encapsulated in a VQFN32 (5 x 5mm) housing.
MFRC522 JSMICRO can find applications in many fields such as: access control systems for authorising persons by means of RFID cards, key rings or other media; contactless payments, public transport, portable equipment etc.
Features and advantages:
- Buffered output drivers for antenna connection with minimal external components
- Highly integrated analogue circuits for demodulation and response decoding
- Host interfaces support:
- SPI up to 10 Mbit/s
- I2C-bus up to 400kBd in fast mode and up to 3400kBd in High-speed mode
- RS232 Serial UART up to 1228,8kBd with pin-dependent voltage levels
- Typical operating distance in read mode up to 70mm, depending on a antenna size and tuning
- Flexible interruption modes
- FIFO buffer supports sending and receiving 64 bytes
- Programmable clock
- Hard reset with low power consumption function
- Shutdown via software mode
- Internal oscillator for connecting 27,12MHz quartz
- CRC co-processor
- Power supply from 2,5V to 3,3V
- Programmable I/O pins
The JSMICRO SEMICONDUCTOR company offers a wide selection of products-equivalents from well-known manufacturers – from simple discrete elements to more advanced integrated circuits.
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MIFARE Reader; 13.56MHz; SPI/I2C/UART; 2,5V~5,5V; -40°C ~ 85°C; Equivalent: MFRC52202HN1,115; MFRC52202HN1,118; MFRC52202HN1,151; MFRC52202HN1,157; |