Thermal Pastes from Qoltec


Thermal pastes from Qoltec are valued for their high quality and effectiveness in heat transfer. They are used in various applications related to cooling electronic components, such as processors, graphics cards, and other integrated circuits.

Applications of thermal pastes:

   1. Computers and laptops:

  • Processors (CPU): Thermal pastes help in efficiently transferring heat from the processor to the heatsink, which is crucial for maintaining low operating temperatures and preventing overheating.
  • Graphics cards (GPU): Similar to processors, thermal pastes can be used to improve the cooling of graphics units.

   2. Gaming consoles:

  • Cooling systems: Thermal pastes can be used to enhance heat dissipation in consoles, ensuring stable operation even during intense use.

   3. Industrial devices:

  • Industrial electronics: They are used in various industrial devices that require effective cooling of electronic circuits.

   4. Other electronic devices:

  • Servers: The use of thermal paste helps maintain optimal operating temperatures in servers, which is crucial for their reliability.
  • Power supplies and inverters: Thermal pastes can be used to improve heat conduction in power supplies and inverters.

Advantages of thermal pastes:

  • High thermal conductivity: They ensure efficient heat dissipation, resulting in better cooling.
  • Ease of application: They are easy to apply, allowing for even surface coverage.
  • Durability: The high quality of the pastes ensures long-lasting performance without the need for frequent replacement.

Qoltec’s products are an excellent choice for anyone who needs effective cooling for their electronic devices.

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51633 30g

Thermal grease, 1.42W/m-K, 30g, white, max 0.249°C/W

51634 100g

Thermal grease, 1.42W/m-K, 100g, white, max 0.249°C/W

51638 30g

Thermal grease, 1.93W/m-K, 30g, grey, max 0.225°C/W

51655 1g

Thermal grease, 5.15W/m-K, 1g, grey, max 0.004°C/W

51657 30g

Thermal grease, 5.15W/m-K, 1g, grey, max 0.004°C/W
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