M MP00101
The MP00101 module is an integrated data transmission module via USB interface. It is built around the FT232RL controller from FTDI. The module allows data transfer at speeds up to 3Mb/s. Thanks to drivers that emulate a serial port, the module is suitable for upgrading applications that previously used RS232 serial communication. The MP00100 module can be used in USB<->RS232, and USB<->RS422/RS485 converter applications, as well as in interfaces connecting microprocessor systems with external devices via USB, etc.
- Data transmission speed up to 3Mb/s
- Support for modem signals and handshaking (hardware and Xon/Xoff)
- Serial UART transmission: 7 or 8 data bits, 1 or 2 stop bits, parity control (none, even, odd, mark, space)
- Buffers: transmit 384 bytes, receive 128 bytes
- Programmable timeout for receive buffer
- Support for suspend and resume operation
- Logic level standard: TTL (5V) and 3.3V (selection via jumper)
- Reset circuit on power-up
- Data transmission mode: USB Bulk or Isochronous
- Ability to store user parameters in non-volatile EEPROM memory
- Powered via USB interface
- Compatible with UHCI/OHCI/EHCI host controller
- Compatible with USB 1.1 and 2.0
- Female USB Type B connector
- USB to RS232, RS422, RS485 converters
- USB modems
- Measurement and control systems with USB interface
- USB data acquisition systems
- USB instrumentation
The module comes with a Virtual Com Port (VCP) driver. When installed, this driver creates a new serial COM port on your computer. The COM port number can be manually changed if necessary.
Additionally, for advanced programmers, direct USB drivers with DLL S/W interface (D2XX drivers) are provided.
The MP00101 module contains EEPROM memory, where parameters such as USB VID, PID, serial number, product description, etc., can be stored. This memory can be programmed directly by the user via USB using the Mprog software.
Upon purchase, the EEPROM memory is pre-programmed and does not require modification for proper module operation.