M MP00202-ibutt
The device is built around the DS2480B converter controller from Dallas-Maxim (RS232 to 1Wire converter). The FT232RL chip from FTDI is used to convert from RS232 to USB standard.
Once the drivers for the FT232RL chip are installed, a virtual serial port appears in the computer, providing access to the iButton devices.
From a software perspective, the device is compatible with converters based on the DS2480B chip, such as the original MAXIM-DALLAS DS9097 series, with the difference being that the interface connects to a USB port instead of the RS232 serial port.
The device contains a chip with a unique serial number (DS2401), typically used for software protection purposes - in this case, the device also serves as a hardware key for the software.
NOTE: The USB cable must be purchased separately .
USB 2.0 Interface
Reads all iButton devices
Writes to all iButton devices except for EPROM memory
Powered via USB
A large amount of free software and source code available
Compatible with the free program One Wire Viewer, TMEX from MAXIM-DALLAS