M MP01105t-rs232
The device is a very easy-to-use interface for connecting up to 8 DS18B20 temperature sensors (e.g., ready-made sensor modules like MP00230-T). The built-in microprocessor handles the management of the 1-Wire bus to which the sensors are connected. From the user's perspective, operating the interface is limited to a few control commands sent via the RS232 serial interface. This results in a ready-made distributed multi-point temperature monitoring system. The interface allows temperature measurements ranging from -55°C to +125°C. The measurement accuracy is ±0.5°C in the range from -10°C to +85°C. The measurement resolution is 12 bits.
The interface is ideal for environmental temperature monitoring systems, building automation systems, temperature monitoring and logging in server rooms, ventilation and air conditioning systems, and temperature monitoring in the food and agriculture industries, etc.
- Power supply: from +7V to +12V DC (typically +12V)
- 1-Wire output for connecting temperature sensors via RJ45 connector
- +12V DC power supply output through RJ45 connector - for powering temperature sensor modules using local voltage stabilization
- +5V DC auxiliary power supply line through RJ45 connector - for powering temperature sensors directly with +5V
- Supports 1 to 8 DS18B20 temperature sensors
- Fully compatible with MP00230-T temperature sensor modules
- Temperature measurement range from -55°C to +125°C
- Measurement accuracy is ±0.5°C in the range from -10°C to +85°C
- Measurement resolution: 12 bits
- Conversion time: max. 750ms