M MP01611
The MP01611 module is an inexpensive and easy-to-use RFID reader for UNIQUE 125kHz transponders, allowing quick construction of contactless identification devices.
The reader is built based on the modern and very popular EM4095 chip from EM MICROELECTRONIC - MARIN S.A. It is designed to read Unique transponders operating at a frequency of 125kHz.
The device features an integrated antenna on the PCB, enabling the reading of transponders from a distance of 12 cm in the case of ISO cards and Clamshell.
The output is a 10-pin IDC connector, providing a TTL standard RS232 signal. The output directly transmits the code of the read transponder (with each byte saved as 2 ASCII code digits). Data reading is signaled by a brief illumination of the LED.
Basic Parameters:
- Power supply: 5V DC
- Range: approximately 12 cm (ISO card, Clamshell), 7 cm (key fobs)
- Reads Unique (125kHz) transponders
- Identification based on a 40-bit serial number
- Integrated antenna on the PCB
- RS232 output (TTL standard)
- Transmission parameters: 9600b/s, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity check, no hardware flow control
- Dimensions (mm): 66 x 66
- MP00101 - converter module allowing connection of the reader to the computer’s USB port.
- MP-RS232-DCE - RS232 interface enabling the reader to connect to the computer’s serial port or another device equipped with a standard COM serial port.
- MP01503 - RS485 interface