LED FILAMENT bulbs (results: 0)
The filament LED bulb design is based on thin led filaments, which resemble tungsten filaments, placed in a transparent glass bubble.
Filament LED bulbs are a cutting-edge solution in the field of LED lighting, combining the strong suits of traditional bulbs and those manufactured using LED technology. The bulb design is based on thin led filaments, which resemble tungsten filaments, placed in a transparent glass bubble.
A single filament is made up of chips evenly spread on a saffron or ceramic bed, covered with phosphor. LED filament bulbs are a source of efficient and easy-on-the-eyes light.
One LED filament consumes around 1W of energy at 110lm/W. Retaining the classical look, LED filament bulbs have all the characteristics of LED technology, i.e. energy efficiency, long lifetime, high impact resistance, limited heat emission, environment friendliness, and no UV/IR radiation.
It is recommended that these bulbs be used for decorative lamps or any luminaries that require visible light sources similar to traditional tungsten bulbs.